Each year, BIVEC-GIBET organizes many activities centred on current topics in the field of transportation research. For our members, our activities are free of charge for our members or there is a substantial reduction in the registration fee.
Biannually, we organise the Transport Research Days, a conference that offers young and established scholars from the three Benelux-Countries an opportunity to present their research findings to an informed audience of transport researchers.
Also every two years BIVEC-GIBET awards its Transport Chair to an individual who has made an important scientific contribution related to transport and mobility within Europe. In the context of this award, several lectures are organised. The previous chair holder was professor Jos Delbeke (Florence European University Institute & KU Leuven) who gave a keynote lecture on "Climate Change and Transport: The European Perspective).
Finally, our organisation (co-)organises many activities related to transportation research in the Benelux, such as the 2016 Conference on the Future of Collective Passenger Transport by Road. On the occasion of Bivec's 40th anniversary, a Lustrum focussing on the subject of Road Pricing was organised on the 12th of December 2018.
While Dutch and French were traditionally the working languages, most of our activities are now in English in order to reduce the translation costs.
Past activities